Don’t call me sir!
No, seriously, Don’t call me sir, I work for a living
Put away your assumption
That is something you will hear from me if you call me sir.
It’s a thing that Enlisted men and women say
When you call them sir
Dad was a soldier that’s how I know this
Sir is the purvey of officers and gentlemen.
So why is sir a default for clerks at coffee shops?
Especially when you are mistaken for a guy
NO SIR! I am not sir, mister or master
You could do better…
Call me Madam, Ma’m, Miss, Mz.
Anything but sir.
Seriously, I dread dealing with clerks at coffee shops
And cashiers at restaurants
Cause Lord knows they will call me sir…
There was a Lady who worked at a Starbucks
Who made it a point to call me sir
No matter how femme I was presenting myself that day
Would you like your grande coffee to go SIR!
Makes me wonder what I’m doing wrong
Who would think one simple
Three letter word
Could shatter your self confidence
I wonder what I’m doing wrong?
My hands too big?
My stubble showing?
My jaw too square?
Shoulders too broad?
Voice too deep?
Too tall to be a girl…
What does it take?
To be recognized for who I am?
The question on the back of
The mind of every trans person
Do I pass?
I guess not today…